Safeguard Your Files With
Complete Assurance

Safe Local And Cloud Storage

Encrypted Files To Prevent Tampering

Infinite Safe Vaults.

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How May I Safeguard My Files With BokorEncrypt?

Secure your priceless files with sturdy locks to maintain their privacy

Make Infinite Vaults
And Lock Them

Secure your critical information by locking entire directories and folders behind passwords, and encrypting any files you like

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Give The Security Of All Your Files A Significant Boost

Anyone without the password will be completely clueless about your data.

Safeguard your files on your computer or store them in a secure cloud storage account

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Sync Your Safe,
Handy Cloud Storage

Obtain online storage with encryption preinstalled to safeguard your files, images, and more.

You can pick how to manage and arrange your files

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6 Robust Features You Can Rely On To
Protect Your Sensitive Data

Increase The Number Of Security Checks

By including security measures like fingerprint and facial ID, you may increase the security of BokorEncrypt. Select one or more to improve the privacy and security of your files

Safe and Secure Cloud Storage

Using BokorEncrypt, you can encrypt your files and store the newly encrypted ones in your cloud storage. Integrate ease of use and security to keep files in a location that is always accessible to you

Safeguard Your Private Documents

Safeguard your personal documents, passports, and other valuables with password-protected vaults. To ensure the security of your files, create, arrange, and safeguard an infinite number of secure vaults

Sync Your Data

Vaults from any location to ensure your safety. Trust your privacy as you continue to use up to ten computers

End-to-end Encryption

Encrypt everything you have, including data, videos, and images, to ensure privacy. If you decide to share encrypted files and folders with others, you can export them completely private

Auto-exiting Feature

You can program a timer to log you out of BokorEncrypt at a specified interval. To keep yourself and your loved ones safe, restrict access to your most crucial files and folders

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Three Easy Methods To Secure Your Files With BokorEncrypt

Download the BokorEncrypt app to your device and subscribe

Make a master password that is unique and easy to remember

Make safe vaults and safeguard an infinite number of passwords

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Bokor VPN:

End-to-end encryption, which is a communication system where only the communicating users can read the messages, is how BokorEncrypt protects your files. First, the data is encrypted on the sender's system or device, and only the password holder can decrypt it. As your file travels to its destination, it is protected from being read or altered by an internet service provider (ISP), application service provider, hacker, or any other trackers. For additional information about how BokorEncrypt manages your data, visit Safe Zone.

Take A Risk-Free 31-Day Trial Of BokorEncrypt

Try BokorEncrypt, and if you are not happy with it for any reason within the first 31 days, we will refund your money in full

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If You Have Any Additional Queries, Our Support Staff Is Available Around-The-Clock